RAD Roller Muscle Flush Kit Review

2015-02-27 19.21.41-1

2015-02-27 19.21.41-1

RAD are a Colorado based company who have created massage tools designed around the structure and function of the spine. Mark and Dan's products work to mobilise muscles and not put pressure on the structure of our body during use. (http://www.radroller.com/)

Rollers have become an essential part of an athletes equipment, designed for my0fascial release. The aim of this self-administered part of training is to release muscle tightness or to stimulate trigger points. A lot of evidence based research into this area also warns of the possible muscle damage in this process. What the RAD Roller team have done is try to create muscle release products that take this knowledge into to account and design products and processes that achieve muscle recovery without damage.



RAD also give guidelines on how to roll, with the purpose of maximizing recovery while limiting muscle damage and preventing adequate blood supply.

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2015-02-27 19.23.14-1

RAD Helix

Retailing for $49 US, it's designed to work with the structure and contours of the spine to protect as you roll, versatile for use on calves, hamstrings, quadriceps this is a light and handy product to have around. In comparison to a conventional roller the shape of the Helix allows for the contours of the spine and skeleton to be supported and attended to by the innovative design.

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I like the helix as its more forgiving on the body and allows me to manipulate the rolling process not only to different muscles groups, but individual muscles within an area. a conventional roller can target the hamstring, but the shape of the helix allows for targeting of the muscles to release in specific areas.


Retailing for $39 US, the rod has a steel inner surrounded by a shell that allows for precise pressure on muscles. The rod is easy to maneuver for different body parts and varied angles to help assist those tight locations that many roller cannot reach.

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What I particularly like with the rod is the ability to easily vary the intensity of massage to suit areas requiring deeper release. Especially with my lower legs, my peroneal muscles and tibialis anterior, when tight, give me referred achilles problems. Since getting into a routine with stretching, using the rod and icing I seem to have almost shifted the problem. I can definitely give more pressure to these areas than when using a conventional roller.

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Helix is shaped for comfortable accommodation of spines' structure

Helix is fairly narrow, small space between body and floor when rolling

Helix and Rod are versatile for multiple body parts

Helix can get caught in baggy clothing

Easily transportable and light

Rod and Helix can be used together

Versatile and easy to change depth/intensity of release

The Verdict

While other rollers are effective in muscle release and pressure in tight areas, the RAD roller system is the first I've used which creates support for the body as well as attending to the normal function of a roller. The added benefit of its anatomical design is that I can utilise the rollers in more body locations than a conventional one and can feel how its structure is adapted to work with my spine and muscles to prevent unnecessary pressure. Remember that as well as a well designed roller, the method of rolling is also important!

Give RAD a go! - it even fits on your bike!

2015-03-01 14.39.48

2015-03-01 14.39.48