Keep your eyes on the prize!

6 weeks out from IM Australia.......... after 2 Ironman experiences this past year I've picked up a few tips that help keep me focused and get the most out of these critical weeks before race day. Preparation has been going well, and it's important to stay focused on your goals in these final weeks of training and remind yourself what it is you are trying to achieve and why!

How to do that?



1. Speak to your coach/other influences - working with Bruce over the past 18 months allows my training to be progressive and consistent. We have developed an understanding of how my body adapts to various training loads. The lessons we learned from the previous 2 IM races help us focus on what to achieve and especially in these last 6 weeks, how best to prepare for race day so that I get to the start line motivated, healthy and fresh.

2.Listen to your body- you spend so much time putting strain on your body to evoke adaptations that you need to sit back and listen to it at times. I managed to get a bit sick before Kona and it's important to prioritise your health. Take time during training, and recovery to gain a sense of any problem areas, tighter muscles, how you feel and use your resources early to address any problem areas. Don't be afraid to rest when you need to.

3. Don't let things get you down - with a lot of volume in this period, a full-time job and social commitments it is a tiring and potentially stressful time. Plan your activities accordingly as well as taking time to relax mentally. Enjoy life and remember why you signed up to race in the first place, take into consideration all your support crew around you, and enjoy the experience.

4. Focus on small goals - it can sometimes get on top of you when you look at your next few weeks of training and forward to the big race day!  To get the most out of each session and to keep motivated, focus on each day at a time and the small, manageable targets you have set yourself. Those 1% ers will be worth it, when combined on race day !



Consistency is key!